Thursday, July 8, 2010

the balancing act...

I am still here...just had another visitor from afar and have been recoup-ing after the running around. Fortunately the bff sent me some coconut ice (I know, I am super lucky - maybe if I subtly write a post about every little thing I want it will appear in my mail box a few weeks later) and it has provided me with muchos energy as well as sate my long serving craving. She even sent me three different types to try - I love her big.

We have had quite a few visitors over the past couple of months and each time I have challenged myself further with walking the fine balance between obsessing over every bite and making our guests painfully aware of the fact "I am now healthy", and letting go of the reins completely and enjoying the company of my visitors over whatever appears in front of me. This time I managed to loosen the reins but not let go; the gym was involved as was some good decision making and some really great conversation over a suitably sized amber bevvy.

I will have another enlightened post soon. xx

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