Saturday, January 15, 2011

a map to land softly ville...

My posts have been so scarce lately, I apologise. You see my life has taken a turn down Busy Street and its been hard to stop in at Blogspot. You all know I love hanging out at Blogspot but Busy Street is clear on the other side of town and traffic is a nightmare at the moment.

My life has also relocated me Down Under for the year. Fortunately there is a Blogspot here too, but just like in every town, Busy Street is the furthest possible distance from it.

It is super lovely to be in my home town again. I am actually living on the same street as The BFF. We like to call it BFF Street, but no-one else seems to think thats a cool name. We don't get to see each other much, she hangs out on Mum Street alot, which is practically the same as, but also across town from, Busy Street.

It is not so lovely to be so far away from Mr C. He remains in The Great NorthWest living on CoolestJobEver Street. Our story is truly an epic one, of love and woe and having jobs that are on opposite sides of the world, that rightfully deserves a nightly timeslot for the telling of.

Mr C and I will be united sporadically during the year. In the mean time, we have exclusive access to Love Street which connects our homes through cyberspace and heart strings ;)

Fortunately, Busy Street does insect with Healthy Street. That intersection tends to get particularly congested but I make there pretty much every day. Sometimes I only get down the EatingWell Strip but I've making an effort to get the Exercise Mall too. My daily stop in at WeighIn has been going well too.

Hope you are all well out there xx

Thursday, January 6, 2011

One Day...

So One day this One girl got on the scale and to her amazement the scale said "girl, you are Onederful".